Membership Meetings

In this age of email, text messaging and Twitter, face-to-face networking opportunities are in short supply...but not at NESCA! NESCA's monthly membership meetings provide our members a chance to meet people, make contacts, exchange ideas and interact with other subcontractors and suppliers who face similar business challenges. NESCA members are among the best informed subcontractors and suppliers in the nation because we make sure our members receive timely information, not just through our newsletters, special bulletins and email alerts, but also through up-to-date reports at our membership meetings.

But that's not all. NESCA seeks to make our membership meetings an opportunity for members to pick up additional business as well. NESCA often invites speakers to provide details about upcoming major projects and when these projects are expected to be bid. We also routinely host a "General Contractor Showcase" to provide members the opportunity to learn more about a featured general contractor, meet its management team, and better understand what they expect from their subcontractors and what subcontractors can expect from them.

NESCA's membership meetings are extremely well-attended, averaging over 150 members. With this kind of attendence, members are almost guaranteed to pick up valuable information at each and every meeting they attend!

(518) 869-9800

Northeastern Subcontractors Association, Inc.
6 Airline Drive
Albany, NY 12205

Interested in becoming a member? Don't hesitate!

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